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The QA Tools are distributed as a PHP Archive (Phar) file in order to separate the QA Tools' dependencies from the host projects' dependencies. The compiled Phar is also able to verify its own integrity with the provided public key.

Types of builds

There are two types of build: a test build, and a release build. The test build is used for system testing and is signed using an insecure, ephemeral private key. The release build is for release to the public, and is signed using a secure private key managed by Ibuildings.

This serves the following purposes:

  1. The test process can be completely automated on the contributor's machine and on Travis, the automated build server; the private key used for signing the test build requires no passphrase.
  2. There is no confusion as to with which private key the build is signed. This prevents a release of a Phar signed with the test key.

Building the Phar

[Box]2 is used for building the QA Tools Phar file, which is configured in the box.json file. It is installed as a Phar file itself to prevent version conflicts between Box' and QA Tools' dependencies.

To enable the writing of Phar files, disable the PHP ini setting phar.readonly by setting it to Off.

Run make build-test in the project root directory to build the test build. This creates ./build/test/qa-tools.phar and ./build/test/qa-tools.phar.pubkey.

Updating Box

Box is installed during Composer's post-install-cmd phase. To update Box, manually update the source and sha-sum inside composer.json under the extra parameters.